Friday, June 7, 2013

I got this from Seth's Blog

I just really like this guy for the most part and I like how he says what he says...  If you want to check him out he's at Seth Godin 
That's all I got for now.  Enjoy!

Reality is not a show

The media-pundit-advertiser industrial cycle has discovered that turning life into a sporting event (with winners and losers, villians and heroes and most of all, black and white issues) is profitable.
By turning our life into a game and our issues into drama, the punditocracy and the media-industrial complex profits. And the rest of us lose.
Politics get this treatment, but so do natural disasters, poverty and even technology.
How long does it take after an event occurs before the spinning starts? And because we've seen the spinning acted out on such a large scale, we begin to do it ourselves. We create office drama that replaces the real-life nuance of difficult decisions, and we seek out wins in our personal life when life is always about compromise.
This is dehumanizing, because it turns pathos into ratings and makes just about everyone into 'the other', not someone deserving more than clicks, linkbait and trolling.
It's so easy to boil whatever happened down to a finite number of characters, to engage in online debates with people we'll never meet and to gamify just about everything.
I'm not sure there's any number of Facebook likes that can replace a hug.


JoJo said...

There is so much drama on FB...I've gotten sucked in myself

Petit fleur said...

Yes, I think our collective addiction to drama is keeping us all from living our full potential and feeling our real feelings and our own dramas which motivate change and help us to initiate good in the world.
Thanks for stopping by.

e said...

You are of many reasons I avoid FB and as for spinning, it has become ridiculous. The function of media has shifted from news and holding out for truth to peddling the corporate agendas of parent companies.
I have watched some reality shows, for example, Push Girls, because there are not a lot of anything about the lives of women in wheelchairs and sometimes one can learn a few things...but most of what we see only reflects a tiny bit of someone's life, and that is what most people forget.

Thanks for visiting my blog last week.

Petit fleur said...

Hey e,

Yea, the media has become quite a joke.. Fodder mostly. I can't really even talk about it without foaming at the mouth!

I don't watch much tv anymore, but I do hang out on the computer too much. Thanks for stopping.

Unknown said...

Amen, dear.
I should know.
I was an NDE...
Reality is NTHN
compared to Seventh-Heaven.
Join us
and we'll have a party-hardy
for eternity...

Unknown said...

Amen, dear.
I should know.
I was an NDE...
Reality is NTHN
compared to Seventh-Heaven.
Join us
and we'll have a party-hardy
for eternity...