Monday, October 29, 2012

We are HERE!!!

I'm not sure if anyone is still out there since it has been for ever since I've posted.  In fact, I was having a little trouble with it because things here at blogger have changed up a bit since last I was active.

So, we are now residents of California.  Such a crazy big move.  Coast to coast.  I knew it was a loooOOOong way, but somehow it did not sink in till the last leg of our plane ride.  It was 5 hours by PLANE from Charlotte NC to LAX.  That made me feel like I was moving to another planet.  If any of my family or friends needed me, I would not be able to just go.  sigh.

I have been prone to bouts of sudden and random weeping.  Not because I am sad, just overwhelmed with newness and stress let down and trying to take in my new surroundings and acclimate ASAP.  When one is my age ASAP takes much longer than it used to!  Harley seems completely and utterly at home and comfortable.   I'm sure he is having his own internal adjustments, but they are not showing.  He is overjoyed as I am to be back with daddy again.  They did nothing but wrestle and bond all weekend.  I slept in between adventures. (More body unloading stress I believe.)  

The good news is, it is GREAT out here and I am hoping that I'll be able to meet up with some bloggy friends I've known for years now and actually hug them and hang out with them in the real world.

I will say that our apartment is charming, but apartment life sucks.  By comparison we've been living in a ramblingly huge old home in the middle of pretty much nowhere Florida.  My son could be as loud as he wanted or more specifically as loud as I could stand it, whenever he wanted.  Not so much now.  To make this particular point even more emphasized nobody here used A/C.  It's all windows open, so you really can hear your neighbors sneeze!  Along those lines though, the weather is insanely gorgeous.  We went to the beach over the weekend and it was dotted with surfers in wet suits.  They looked like overgrown bugs who lay their eggs on the water!  Funny.

Another interesting difference between west coast and east coast beaches is that here on the west coast there are more rocks than shells.  They are the beautifully colored and shaped river rock type rocks.   So instead of collecting shells, we collected rocks from our recent beach trip.

Well that's it for now.  Just know that even though I am not posting a lot or maybe even commenting on my old blog haunts, I am still lurking and reading and keeping up with most of you.