Hey Ya'll,
Just throwing in my 2 holiday cents. While we are celebrating our beliefs, I think it is also a good idea to challenge them as well. If they are solid, you will feel a renewed commitment toward them, if they are off, you can adjust them as needed.
I've always thought (and I don't claim to have originated this thought...) that many/most if not all Christian holidays have their basis in Earth religions... which everyone was before the emergence of more modern day religions. Because it was more than just something to do on Sunday back then, it was a way of life.. honoring the earth, the seasons, directions and cycles of life and working with them instead of against them or despite them. Our very existence depended on it. (And by us I mean humans) The funny thing is, it still does, regardless of our denial or arrogance.
So, here is my belief... Jesus was black or blackish in color. I do not think he was even born in the winter. I believe that the facts have been distorted over time to suit the Holy ruling class, the only ones who were allowed to be educated... But more importantly his messages have been abysmally twisted and misshapen as well. I also believe he was one of many holy men who have been worshiped or whose teachings were thought to be of higher good throughout history.
What I am celebrating here in the middle of winter is human evolution and perseverance in the face of adversity (winter), and practicing our gratitude and fortitude. But whatever you celebrate or why, it is a great time to reflect on what you want for yourself, your family and the wider world community. It's fun to snuggle up at night and read or watch a good movie, write in your journal or whatever. It's good to contribute to the higher good of our wider community by volunteering or donating to charities...It's fun to wake up and drink something hot and soothing and feel good about all the blessings you enjoy in your life and wishing the same for those who are less fortunate.
I pilfered the following post from another site, because I thought it was interesting, not because I believe all of it... I find it fun to ponder new perspectives, so if you like to do that too, read on.... and Happy Celebrating, whatever holiday or reason that you do it! Peace, pf
Christianity: what’s different?
Was Jesus’ appe darance
closer to this ...
or to this ...?
Which of the images on the right is closest to how Jesus might have looked?
The first is influenced by the art of the Middle Ages and shows Jesus with European, rather than Jewish, looks.
- In reality, Jesus must have had Semitic features with olive skin, darkened by exposure to the sun. His hair and beard would have been black, curly and bushy – untrimmed in obedience to the command in the Law [Leviticus 19:27]
The Bible says He was not physically attractive [Isaiah 53:2]
Beauty, in God’s eyes, comes from within [1 Peter 3:3-4]
- On the other hand, the devil is handsome [Ezekiel 28:14-17]
- The gospel rings true in my heart is because it is the opposite of the way man normally thinks.
- Who would have conceived a philosophy where salvation would come through believing that God would come to us as a helpless baby, born in a stinking stable, a peasant among a despised, subjugated people in an obscure land, and would later be nailed up to die like the worst of criminals.
- The natural mind is more attracted to youth and beauty, success and acclaim.
But, God’s thoughts are the opposite of man’s thoughts [Isaiah 55:8-9]