Just a brief update for all my friends. (she said, hoping her friends would recognize the Barfly reference) Things are looking up here in sunny Cali. I have changed my diet drastically for the better. (That about killed me.. I am a creature of habit) and I am working out. ME. Working OUT? I should have done this a long time ago. Well, in fact I did. The first time I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Then as the years passed and I was asymptomatic, my old ways began creeping back to the fore. So all of the reflux madness and other crazy maladies I've been experiencing since our cross country move and turning 50 may all be somehow connected to reoccurrence of Lyme.
I thought this from the beginning with the drastic and sudden weight loss and loss of muscle mass, however I was reluctant to go back on antibiotics without the supervision of a QUALIFIED Lyme physician. Yes, if you suspect you have Lyme, get yourself a Lyme literate physician or you could end up very sick debilitated or dead. You can read all about that
here. In any case I was sweating a bit because it did not look like there was a qualified doc in the area, and well there isn't. So out of network we go... AGAIN. The good new is that I DID find one who is not too far away and he seems very competent and the bonus is that he is an NP and an MD, which means he practices natural medicine as well. I am hoping to go that rout since my stomach is rancid with this reflux and the thought of introducing antibiotics to that mess just makes me want to shrivel up in a ball and hide under the covers. So, we may be able to treat it in a way that is much less harsh than antibiotics... and we may go broke again, but the upshot is that we FOUND someone, someone good. (It's amazing how your whole perspective shifts when you are in capable hands). The other good news is (and only California people will immediately relate to this) is that his office is north on the 101 from here. That is the opposite way of traffic flow in this area, which is so very relieving. So I've got that going for me too! woot!
I am not absolutely certain the Lyme is connected to other physical maladies going on with me, but it would shock me if it weren't. And it will be good to BE certain and get rid of it! Or at least get it under control again. Can I just say, FUCK all these auto immune diseases and FUCK FUCKING TICKS!
That felt good.
In other news Harley has adjusted to his school environment and made some friends. He now LIKES his school and has stopped begging me to home school him. Thank the tiny baby Jesus for that. He seems to be doing well, although we are still hoping to get him into his new school next year. We figure that will be a cleaner break after summer vacation. Both schools have merit, but when it comes to organization and feeling confident sending your child on a field trip alone without you chaperoning, there is no comparison. For this and many other reasons, we believe the charter school is a better fit for us. We are too scattered ourselves to be able to successfully deal with other scattered people! We need boundaries, consistency and reliability in our learning center. It takes the stress and guesswork out of it all. For me there is way too much of that in life already.
My mood/mental state is stabilizing quite a bit and I am feeling less like an alien. I do still feel like this is someplace I am visiting and that it is not home or even where I live. It's where I'm staying for now. We'll see. At least I'm not feeling like it's a death sentence, and I'm actually able to enjoy some of the benefits of being here.
So that's it. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend with many blessings, fun and relaxation.