This is who I am thinking about today. Troy Davis, his family and this broken runaway machine we've created. When I got the email last night that they had actually gone through with Troys execution I felt like I'd been punched in the chest. All I could do was cry.
I then prayed in my way for Troy Davis, his family and for the ignorance to be lifted from the hearts and minds and consciences of those who directly participated in this travesty. That what they did or more importantly FAILED to do, will haunt them in their alone hours. That no Jesus or man made interpretations of his message will ease their broken psyches. I wish that nothing short of helping to stop the continuation of state sanctioned group serial killing will end their misery and soul suffering. That's what I wish with everything in me.
I've been involved with Death Row Advocacy for many years now. The process and the system and the unyielding resistance of those in power to own up to their mistakes and quit hiding behind antiquated dogma is sickening. The worst kind of projectile fucking vomiting sickening. How ironic that those who scream the loudest for blood are members of "The God Squad" as a dear friend described it. Quick to play God with someone's life... If they are true believers, then according to their own dogma they would know that eternal damnation is waiting for these "criminals" like a big nasty dead end... and why is their jobs to make whatever is left of their life hell on earth? Satan tried to outsmart God and sort of take his job... and look what happened to that poor sucker!
Troy, I'm glad this is over for you, but sorry about how it ended. Safe passage and peace to you in whatever comes next.