As per usual, I've been wanting to write for some time but just can't seem to. This happens a lot. In the interim one of my nephews, whose diapers I used to change, Matthew, has been involved in a serious accident. He's one of those larger than life characters that is hard to describe. He has the genius gene that runs on both sides of his family tree, and the showman gene that runs on our side. He's as intense and outspoken as they come and just as loving.
What happened was he was, on his way to work he ran out of gas someplace in LA. Turns out his gas gauge was broken, so anyway, he was waiting on the side of the highway for a friend to come and bring him gas. In the time it took for the friend to get there, his car was hit in the rear at high speed by another vehicle. The car rolled over several times and his spine is severed between C3 and C4 and his brain is swollen. He was was thought to be dead on the scene, but the EMTs got his heart beating again. Then we were told that he was essentially brain dead (no activity)... but then oops, there was activity. So, maybe just brain resting..? They have performed some kind of procedure to relieve the swelling and he is getting all kinds of anti inflammatories to keep that under control. We all thought the first day that they were just waiting around for the 3 day grace period till they could pronounce him brain dead (Cali law), but he keeps improving. Small improvements, but unmistakable ones. He is now trying to breath over his ventilator, which is a good sign. I think they are considering doing a trach in the event he should wake and try to rip the ventilator out. (He would so do that)
So, we've been told that a full recovery is likely too much to even hope for, but lets face it, two days ago he was "brain dead"! So now the big questions are, how long was his brain deprived of oxygen and how badly if at all was the injury to his spinal chord... sigh.
What I'd would love is if anyone out there has a major miracle story they can tell me about someone whose beat the odds. I know it happens and it happens more frequently than we know about. I want to know about it. If you have anything to share that can help me keep faith that this may have a good outcome, I'd love to hear it. I crave to hear it.
Thanks for listening.