Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Cravings Truck...

There is a lovely young couple in the panhandle area who have started a business that I found to be quirkily and deliciously different.  When I say young, I mean VERY young... like 20's young. 

I met them at a downtown farmer's market.  I had just eaten a huge vegetarian meal from the local Vegan Krishna vendor and was stuffed!  But I saw that truck, with the words "Red Velvet Waffles" painted on the side... how could I refuse?  So I trotted over to order some, and unfortunately, they could not oblige.  It seemed that they had everything else BUT those.  They were mostly just getting out there so people would know who they were.  Since I really was stuffed, it was probably a good thing.  :-)

So, I chatted with the lady whose name I cannot recall, and she told me all about their plans for the business.  It's really smart and yummy, and hip and cutting edge.  They have this beautiful kitchy truck (really no pun intended) and very very fun and creative menu items, some of which are secret family recipes!  I love that.  There is a small kitchen like area where they whip up their yummy wares and they travel around the city selling them.  The really cool thing is with today's technology you can find them on twitter or the internet, so you know exactly where they are going to be and when!  There is even a map provided with the route if you want it!  I think this is so fabulous.

Visit their website, check out the menu and see what I mean: The Cravings Truck
Good luck to you guys~  I'll see you next Sat....I've been dreaming of those Red Velvets Waffles!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blogger Blues. :-(

Hey ya'll,

I cannot get Blogger to upload any photos.  I'm thinking it could be my Google Chrome needs an update, but I was just wondering if anyone else had this issue...?  I know lots of people, myself included have been having trouble with other Blogger components like the commenting, so it may just be Blogger...?

Any suggestions appreciated!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Respecting Mother... Every day.

"Mother Earth, you are my life support system. 

As your child, I drink your blue water, live inside your red clay and eat your green skin. 

Help me to balance myself as you hold and balance the Earth, the sea and the space environments. 

Help me to open my heart knowing the universe will feed me. 

I pray my boots will always kiss your face and my footsteps match your heartbeat. 

Carry my body through space and time. 

You are my connection to the universe and all that comes after. 

I am yours and you are mine. 

I salute you."

That was a prayer/mantra/morning greeting to our mother.  I first heard it in "Men Who Stare at Goats"  I did change one part in the beginning.  I took out the word soldier and replaced it with child.

Honestly, I think it is the true Hail Mary.

Namaste ya'll.

Monday, September 20, 2010

C'mon, laugh at my fears...!

I came across this video and it made me face in a goofy way why I am dragging my feet on launching my new business fully... or at all.  The reason being, I'm afraid this will will be the male version of my services.  Watch and laugh your ass off! (Or just shake your head in disbelief.  Whatever.)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Men Who Stare at Goats

This movie tickled my funny bone, and as whacky as it is, I'll bet the truth is even stranger.  Two big toes UP!
PS The whole cast is great, but Jeff, well, he takes the cake!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Danielle!

Wishing you a genuinely silly and fun filled birthday, and everything grand for your future!

Love you, pf

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Love this!

I found this on another Blog and I think it's my most favorite version of this song next to Harley's school singing it all together.  Have a great week ya'll!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The worst memorial day weekend EVER

We are all sick here at Chez Levi.  We are sleep deprived and cranky.  Harley was running a fever and is coughing non stop because I guess Fall has arrived in Tally.  (He gets asthma at the change of seasons, like clockwork)  So whether or not it's consistent or official or whatever, I know FALL has fallen.  Poor little guy.

Hub and I fought and made up yesterday.  Besides Harley's asthma, we all have a bug.  At the end of the night last night, hub and I were discussing what we had hoped to do this memorial day having so much time off together.... Then he said it:

 "This is the worst memorial day weekend EVER!"

We both just cracked up laughing.

Hoping yours is better.